Buabua is a resettlement village for the survivors of the 1985 Lake Nyos gas disaster. The village lies in a rift valley and is very fertile for the cultivate of food crops like maize, cocoyams, beans, and cash crops like coffee, cocoa, palms, and pawpaw.

BADA was Created founded in 2009 in Buabua, and it only became fully functional in 2022 after its elective general assembly on the 7/05/2022 in Bafousam with Mr Ban Michael as president.

It has evolved from just Buabua branch meetings to fully functioning BADA branches with over 9 branches now in Cameroon (Bamenda, Douala, Yaounde, Bonjock, Bafousam, Kribi, Tonga, Pete, and Mbanga)

BADA has as objectives to enhance the development of Buabua to a reference village in Bum especially with its rich resettlement history. The mission of the association is to make Buabua liveable after the human and material damage brought upon to the by the Anglophone crisis. 

Realised Projects

  1. The association has constructed a bigger building at the Buabua health center, 

  2. Rehabilitated the pipe born water system abandoned since the escalation of the Anglophone crisis and 

  3. Donated zinc for the roofing of the secondary school building destroyed by wind.

Current and Envisaged projects.

  1. The association has raised over 1.3million francs for the construction of the bridge over river Ngah linking Buabua and Konene. 

  2. BADA envisage the construction of a multipurpose community hall, construct bridges in the community as well as recruit and pay teachers in the various schools as need arises.