
Kichowi Village

The settlement of Kichowi traces its origins back to several key figures. Pa Njinohi, originating from Ajung in Kom, was among the earliest settlers, followed by Pa Muang from Achan in Kom, Banseh from Angha Mulung, Johnathan, and Lani. Among these settlers, leadership transitioned from Yem to Tanghang, then Nyong Abraham, Pa Combani Nji, and subsequently Pa Njinohi, who continues to hold authority to this day. These leaders governed under the authority of the Fon of Saff.
Mami Kilang played a significant role in overseeing women’s activities, particularly in crop cultivation, by issuing directives. Bangeh served as the tax collector, responsible for gathering taxes and depositing them in Bamenda, the headquarters at the time. Pa Njinja, a versatile individual skilled in weaving, fishing, and farming, eventually concluded the tax collection duties.
The name “Kichowi” signifies a midway point, reflecting its geographical position between Njinohi and Tamah. Among the early Fulani settlers were Pa Mulande from Su-bum and Pa Alaji Bairo from Fumban in the Western region. Kichowi observes a traditional day known as Nsafuwun, which aligns with the customs of Saff. The village upholds traditional practices in accordance with Saff’s traditions.