Bum Association of North America (BANA).
BANA was created on August 30, 2014, in Keene New Hampshire, USA. The Objective of BANA is to bring together Bum sons and daughters in the North America to mobilise resources to improve their lives and contribute to the development of Bum. The association has branches in every state that hosts a Bum son, daughter or extended family and friend(s) of Bum.
Projects realized:
- Successful installation a commercial solar system at the Fonfuka Medicalised Health Centre in 2023.
Envisaged projects:
- Supporting the underprivileged Bum children financially to register for the Cameroon General Certificate of Education Examination.
- Expand the solar energy project to other health centres in Bum.
- Support Bum sons and daughters who have won the DV lottery financially to travel.