The Lakabum Cultural and Development Association (LACUDA)

LACUDA is an association that groups together Alung descendants of the Bum Fondom across the globe, who being proud of their identity as well as their culture, customs and tradition and in cognizance of the fact that Laka-Bum is the custodian of the Bum culture and Conscious of the fact that the Bum Palace (Laka-Bum) needs to be rebuilt to meet up with the modern standards,

Conscious of the fact that we must develop ourselves adequately as to be able to conserve the Bum values entrusted to us,

 decided to come together under the umbrella of Laka-Bum Cultural and Development Association (LACUDA).


The mission of LACUDA is to unite all sons and daughters of Lakabum to promote development, protect and preserve the traditions and the customs of the Bum Kingdom


  1. To promote love and unity among the Alung family all over the world.
  2. To construct a standard and befitting modern palace.
  3. Revive and uphold our cultural values.
  4. Follow up the re-instatement of the first-class status of the Bum palace. 
  5. Encourage sustainable socio-economic development in the Bum Fondom.
  6. Promote Gender equity, equality, and human rights.
  7. Improve relations between the Bum palace with other sub-palaces, groups and communities for peace and social co-existence.

Past projects. 

restoration of some important age old traditional/ royal artifacts, construction of buildings at the esplanade of the Bum Palace.

Current and Envisaged projects

  1. Reconstruction of collapsed buildings in the Queens Chambers in the Bum Palace,
  2. Construction of decent guest houses in the Bum Palace and
  3. Lanting of 2000 trees around the Bum Palace